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How to Make Your Brand Directly Available to Consumers

November 10, 2021
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The digital platform has made purchasing easy for the customer. Just a click and the e-commerce platform serve the purpose of free delivery of the products. In the last ten years, e-commerce has made the lift to establish the market and a good connection with the consumers.

As per the e-market report, digital sales around 6 trillion dollars USD by 2024.

There is a change in the shopping pattern to attract customers. The manufacturer is more inclined to support a direct-to-consumer business model to gain momentum from the market.

How does D2C work?

The D2C serves the purpose of the customer directly without the interference of third-party retailers or wholesalers. The set-up of the D2C model has cut off the traditional method to run the market.

The D2C is different from wholesalers in many ways. In the conventional method, the product is handed over to wholesalers from the manufacturer to land it to the retailer. They involve the middlemen to get the products for sale. At the same time, D2C eliminates the third party to make the products sale. They connect directly to the consumers and collect the data to understand the consumers’ experience.

Why choose D2C?

With the growth of the techno-savvy world, users are more into online shopping. They want everything on hand and at their doorstep, and they are in contact with the source to get the desired products. D2C has full access to its business and makes a massive profit out of it following the entire process.

DTC handles all the services like shipping, delivery of the products, inventory, tech expertise to solve the queries, easy payment gateway, and other relatable services. D2C comes with heavy discounts, coupons, and another loyalty program to make the sale quick and easy to catch the customer’s eyes.

D2C and its benefit

By 2021 it was estimated to have $ 21.15 billion as per the e-marketer report. D2C gives a real-time experience to get the benefits from the market.

There are three advantages of DTC mentioned below.

  • DTC understands the customer experience 

The customer’s needs are updated, and the data is collected for further use. The customer experiences are a need of time to attract the market. The likes, comments, and feedback are essential to get ideas from other end-users about the product quality and services provided by the D2C brands. From these comments and feedback, others get inspired to purchase the same products without any second thought.

  • Collect Data

The customer data is very crucial to save. The consumers give their personal information to the D2C platform for the delivery of the products on time and the payment transaction. Such information needs to be kept safe and secured.

  • Establish the customer-oriented relationships

D2C provides customer-centric services, and the main goal is to investigate the needs and desires of the customers. They built a strong bond between the buyer and the seller for the enhancement of the business. The removal of the middlemen helps communicate directly with the manufacturer and sell the products in a sophisticated way. Social media leverages brand awareness and campaigns about the same.

How to start a D2C brand model

Here is the process to start a D2C business model in India.

  1. Choose the product that is trending. 
    The D2C platform should focus on the brands that are trending. The products need to attract the user or in craze among the audience. The consumers’ products that are in want or demand hold the market and fascinate the users to get in their cupboard.
  2. Social Media Influence Social Media leverages the market in a significant way. The social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube influence online users to buy the products. The likes and comments of the user influence the other audience to get the same without any second option.
  3. D2C as solution giver D2C handles all the platforms fantastically. They have a tech expert, software developer, inventory management, shipping, and delivery service all performed under one platform to serve the audience’s requirement.
  4. Easy-to-go services The return policy of the D2C is straightforward and straightforward to access the platform. They provide customer-friendly services to satisfy the wants and needs of the customer without any delay. If customers do not like the product, they can exchange or return the items without any issues. All the queries or problems will be resolved 24/7 and make use of the platform away from complexes.
  5. Marketing strategies brands must make marketing strategies so that the customer gets huge discounts, prizes, coupons, or loyalty to purchase the products. They should mention the best messages to attract the consumer mindset and build trust with the manufacturer to serve the purpose.
  6. Customers views Customer views are very important for the publicity of the brand or the advertisement of the same. The user may recommend others from their friends, family, and relatives to buy the same product and get the best comfort level out of it.
  7. Establishing a Brand CommunityThe brand makes some unique items so that it is easy to understand that the user belongs to a particular brand. They are die-hard fans of the brand community and will never leave the brand side, so they doubt how challenging the time is or how hard it is to manage the brand. They keep an eye on the brand specialty and go along with it for the substance of the brand value. The brand community maintains the value and uniqueness of the brand and worthy use of it.

The Direct-to-Consumer brand is the best platform for start-ups to establish their business and build a customer-centric solid relationship with the user for the company’s growth. This latest version of D2C is broadly capturing the market.

Want to grow your business?

Your staircase to
growth is here!

Quick tricks for growth:

  • Reconciliation of overcharges
  • Single inventory dashboard
  • Reduced order processing time
  • Standard and accurate data

Want to know how to do this? Don’t worry!



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